Welcome To Banjara Geeth

Saturday 22 March 2014


The God of Banjara community SHREE SANT SEVALAL MAHARAJ belongs to 17th century. SHREE DHARMANI YAADI (mother) and SHRI BHIMA NAIK (father) were his parents. His birth place was RAMJI NAIK THANDA  and also known as RAMAGUNDAM in ANDHRA PRADESH.
SHREE RAMJI NAIK was the grand father of SEVALAL who is popularly known as SEVABHAYA.  RAMJI NAIK  came to this village with 360 families of the tanda and approximately 4 to 5 thousands loaded cattle like bulls, cows, sheep, goats etc.,
Approximately after a century, the RAMJI NAIK THANDA washed away in the great natural disaster somewhere in 1800 AD. After this incidence the locale people built a hamlet (tanda) called CHENNARAYANI PALLE. Presently this village exists in ANANTAPUR district of Andhra Pradesh. The lord "Sevalal" had been with his parents upto the age of 12th. He would have his bath in a pond called "KAALO KUNDO" which means. He was a great devotee of the almighty SHIVA ( some people say he was the devotee of lord Balaji"). He would go to a temple near CHANDHRAYANA GUTTA hill which was very near to their hamlet RAMJI NAIK TANDA. The great sant SEVALAL MAHARAJ used to graze his cattle in a very famous place which is called "ZHOOMRI JOLE" (like lord Krishna's Brindavan). "Zhoomri Jole" is the thick forest where there was many palm trees.
The historical monuments of the god SEVABHAYA are existing presently. The local people consider the BHIMA NAIK KATTA as a great holy place since the OAR of SEVABHAYA is buried under the katta which became a tradition of banjaras to bury the residue (OAR) after the delivery of the baby. Sri BHIMA NAIK would solve the disputes of his people by delivering the verdict  from this katta.
In the praise of SEVABHAYA's life and doings, there are umpteen folksongs are available in the market. Some people tell the history of SEVABHAYA  for the past 2 and half century. BANJARA PEOPLE name children like SEVYA, SEVALAL etc.,


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