Welcome To Banjara Geeth

Thursday 19 September 2013

About Banjara People

The word "Banjara" is the mixture of two sanskrit words "Vana" (jungle) and "Chara" (Mobiling). Hence the meaning of "Banjara" is "People who travel in forests".  Banjaras are the nomadic people who used to be mainly in Rajasthan in ancient days. 

Most of the Banjara people claim that they belong to Rajput clan. The Banjara people are also known as Lambadi, Goarmati, Sugali, Labani, Mooka 'Lakhapati', Banjari, Pindari, Bangala, Banjori, Banjuri, Brinjari, Lamani, Lamadi, Lambani, Labhani, Lambara, Lavani, Lemadi, Lumadale, Labhani Muka, Goola, Gurmarti, Gormati, Kora, Sugali, Sukali, Tanda, Vanjari, Vanzara, and Wanji

Banjara people can be called as the "Indian Gypsies" .

Attire of Banjara People: 

Men:  Banajara Men used to wear their traditional attire. They are Rumal, Dhothi, Jagla or Jugla(shirt). The rumal also known as Paakdi which has a great honor value. If that Paakdi falls down it implies that the honor of that person has been reduced.

Some times they say that "Thaar Paakdi kai Padjayeni"(your honor value wont fall).  
Men also wear  huge ear rings called "Baabli"  and bracelet called "Kolda" which are made of silver. "Veenti"  is another typical kind of rings that men wear in their fingers.

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